
Relationship Marketing

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Che cosa è il Relationship Marketing?

Il Relationship Marketing è un metodo che dà risalto alle continue relazioni che dovrebbero esistere fra l'organizzazione ed i suoi clienti. Dà risalto all'importanza del customer service, della qualità e dello sviluppo di una serie di transazioni con i consumatori. La terminologia è stata descritta inizialmente da Theodore Levitt nel 1983.

Origine del metodo di Relationship Marketing. Storia

Già nel 1980, B. Schneider ha scritto: Quello che sorprende è che i ricercatori e gli uomini d'affari si sono concentrati molto di più su come attrarre i clienti ad acquistare prodotti e servizi pittosto che su come conservare i clienti. Nel 1983 Levitt ha scritto: In una grande porzione di transazioni, il rapporto si intensifica realmente, conseguentemente alla vendita. Ciò si trasformerà in un fattore centrale nella scelta del buyer riguardo al venditore da cui acquistare la prossima volta.

Il Relationship Marketing è fortemente collegato alla Riprogettazione del Processo di Business. Secondo questa teoria di riprogettazione, le organizzazioni dovrebbero essere strutturate secondo le mansioni ed i processi completi. Piuttosto che secondo le funzioni.

Uso del Relationship Marketing. Applicazioni

Il Relationship marketing ed il tradizionale marketing transazionale non si escludono reciprocamente e non sono necessariamente in conflitto tra loro. Relationship Marketing può essere più adatto nelle seguenti circostanze o situazioni:

  • Prodotti o servizi di gran valore.
  • Prodotti industriali.
  • I prodotti che non sono commodities.
  • Alti costi di commutazione [switching costs].
  • I clienti preferiscono un rapporto continuo.
  • C'è la partecipazione del cliente nella fase di produzione. Vedi: Co-Creation Prahalad Ramaswamy.

Fasi nel processo del Relationship Marketing

  1. Progettare il sistema di erogazione del servizio. Regolare gli standard per ogni parte del sistema, particolarmente nei “punti di incontro„.
  2. Identificare le questioni critiche del servizio.
  3. Regolare gli standard di servizio per tutte le funzioni della fornitura del servizio.
  4. Sviluppare sistemi di comunicazione al cliente.
  5. Formare gli impiegati sulla costruzione e il mantenimento di buoni rapporti con i clienti.
  6. Controllare gli standard di servizio, ricompensare il personale quando eccede i livelli di servizio, correggere i livelli di servizio inferiori alla media.
  7. Assicurarsi che ogni impiegato abbia capito completamente l'importanza della qualità e dei rapporti nella filosofia della vendita.

Punti di Forza del Relationship Marketing. Benefici

  • Concentrato nel fornire valore ai clienti.
  • Enfasi sulla ritenzione del cliente.
  • L'approccio è un metodo integrato al marketing, al servizio ed alla qualità. Di conseguenza fornisce una base migliore per realizzare il Vantaggio Competitivo.
  • Gli studi in parecchi settori mostrano che i costi per mantenere un cliente esistente sono solo una minima frazione dei costi necessari per acquisirne uno nuovo. Spesso quindi ha un certo significato economico prestare più attenzione ai clienti esistenti.
  • I clienti storici possono iniziare a fare passaparola, promozioni e riferimenti.
  • I clienti storici è meno probabile che passino alla concorrenza. Ciò rende più difficile per i concorrenti accedere al mercato.
  • Clienti più felici portano impiegati più felici.

Limitazioni del modello del Relationship Marketing. Svantaggi

Relationship Marketing è meno adatto nelle seguenti circostanze:

  • Prodotti o servizi di valore relativamente basso.
  • Prodotti di consumo.
  • Commodities.
  • I costi di commutazione sono bassi.
  • I clienti preferiscono una singola transazione rispetto a rapporti duraturi.
  • Nessuna/bassa partecipazione del cliente nella produzione.

Referenza Bibliografica: Theodore Levitt - The Marketing Imagination

Gruppo di Interesse Speciale

Gruppo di Interesse Speciale Relationship Marketing .

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Discussioni nei forum sul Relationship Marketing.

argomento What are 'Business Relationships'?
What differences do customers perceive between personal relationships and business relationships? Do they even think of their interactions with businesses as 'relationships'?...
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argomento Giving Gifts in Business | Corporate Gifting
Imagine that you have been doing business with a supplier for the past year. Your partnership has yielded profitable results – for both parties. A representative of your supplier comes to your office...
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argomento Relationship Marketing as Part of your Strategy and Tactics
A practical approach is the "Group Merchant/Distributor Board Meeting". Phase 1: We invited CEO's with their spouses (approx 50 people) for an event weekend. Friday - social program with all. Saturda...
argomento Relationship Marketing Strategies in Retail
What type of relationship marketing strategies are useful for retailers to increase their sales?...
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argomento Relationship Marketing Should be a Systematic Approach
Implementing a customer relationship program or as you refer to it in your article as "Developing Customer Communication Systems" is a key factor in making relationship marketing work in your business...
argomento Relationship Marketing and Perception
A very important element to remember when building relations is perception. Both needs and wants are based on perception, and these are by definition individual ways of seeing things. Every customer ...
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argomento Relationship Management in Creative Industries
Does anyone know of Relationship Marketing works being used in the 'Creative Industries', particularly The Music Industry? I cant seem to make this model work in my head or on paper....
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argomento Relationship Marketing in Banking
Relationship marketing is extensively practiced in banks. It is focusing on high earners who can afford extra charges for the special treatment and services....
argomento Assumptions Behind Relationship Marketing and CRM
The basic assumption of relationship marketing and customer relationship management is that firms benefit more from maintaining long-term customer relationships than short-term customer relationships ...
argomento Internal Relationships Marketing
As you may know, internal marketing was first presented by Berry and co. (1976) and then by other researchers such as George (1977) and Thompson and co. (1978) However, there is, as yet, no clear agr...
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🥇 What is Relationship Marketing? Definition
Relationship marketing is a form of marketing that evolved from direct response marketing in the 1960s and emerged in the 1980s, in which emphasis is placed on building longer term relationships with ...
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🥈 Relationship Management in Chinese Culture: Guanxi (关系)
The Chinese are acclaimed to be the masters of building Guanxi (关系) (it means "connections" or "relationships" in Chinese), sometimes by ourselves, unfortunately there is an obvious mis...
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🥉 Is Relationship Marketing a New Paradigm
Is relationship marketing an addendum to the traditional marketing mix elements, or is it a new paradigm altogether?...
argomento Contracts, Penalties and Fees
Gail McGovern and Youngme Moon explain in an article "Companies and the customers who hate them" (HBR June 2007) how many industries (cell phones, credit cards, banking, insurance, leasing) are using ...
argomento Relationship Marketing Focus
One of the major points Relationship Marketing must focus on is after sales services. A lot depends on it maintain the relationship between the company and its consumers....
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Consigli degli Esperti

Approfondimenti avanzati sul Relationship Marketing (Inglese). Qui troverai consigli professionali di esperti.


Consigli per la consulenza


Consigli per l'insegnamento


Consigli pratici di implementazione


Pitfalls of Traditional Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing Implementation / Improvement
About 50 percent of leading brands' buyers change preferences regarding their favorite brand every year. This reveals hu...

The Old versus the New View on Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing Implementation
Here is a point by point comparison: Goal Old View on Relationship Marketing: Having relationships with customer...

Six Causes of Relationship Marketing problems

Relationship Marketing Implementation
Researchers Deb Rapacz and Martin Reilly identified the following six paradigms as the Root Cause limiting effectiveness...

Factors for Corporate Credibility

Establishing Trust
Strong bonds and relationships between organizations and customers depend on their perceived credibility. Corporate Cred...

Customer Relationship TYPES

CRM, Relation Marketing, Branding
Next time you're using the term "CRM", remember there's an R in it... The R of "Relationship". Actually, customers (wan...

Branding In Relationship Marketing

Linking the Brand
In an article, Deb Rapacz and Martin Reilly invite marketers to adopt relationship marketing as an integrated strategic ...

Definitions of Relationship Marketing

Teaching Relationship Marketing
Since its first description by Levitt, Relationship Marketing has been defined in many different ways. Here follows a br...

Customer Retention

Relationship Marketing
In the game between Defensive Marketing and Offensive Marketing, the core of Relation Marketing is located at Customer R...

Use of Permission Marketing

Building Customer Loyalty
Permission Marketing, the practice of marketing to consumers only after gaining their express permission, is a method or...
Fonti di Informazione

Varie fonti di informazioni su Relationship Marketing. Qui troverai powerpoint, video, notizie, ecc. da utilizzare nelle tue lezioni e seminari.


Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Relationship Marketing

Effective Relationship Marketing
Relationship marketing (RM) has emerged as one of the dominant mantras in business strategy circles, though RM investiga...

A Service-Oriented View on Marketing

Service-Dominant Logic, Perspectives on Marketing
Presentation about a service-dominant logic mindset in marketing, including the following sections: 1. Getting the logi...

The Effect of Relatinal Constructs on Relationship Performance

Relationship Marketing
Peter C. Verhoef, Philip Hans Franses and Janny C. Hoekstra examine the effect of relational constructs, such as satisfa...

Introduction Into Permission Marketing (PM)

Direct Marketing, Email Marketing, Internet Marketing, Search Marketing
Presentation that introduces the concept of Permission Marketing, including the following sections: 1. Introduction of ...

Interview with Theodore Levitt on Global Marketing

Understanding Global Marketing
Theodore Levitt explains and ponders on global marketing and marketing mass global products. A global product is a prod...


Strumenti utili riguardanti Relationship Marketing.












Di più

Paragonare a Relationship Marketing: Customer Relationship Management  |  Marketing Mix  |  Extended Marketing Mix  |  SERVQUAL  |  Benchmarking  |  Modello di Soddisfazione del Cliente  |  Total Quality Management  |  Quality Function Deployment

Ritornare alla Disciplina di Gestione: Marketing & Vendite  |  Supply Chain & Quality

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